madalina ilis
9 months ago (E)
It is puzzling to say the least why the natural compound Stevia, should have faced so many restrictions over the years in both America and Europe. Stevia has been used in South America for centuries and even in countries such as Japan.
Some informed people believe that its history has little to do with science and more to do with powerful forces with financial interests in sugar and sweeteners. Be that as it may two events in the USA are about to clear up the whole mess:

Currently, there’s no ev
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madalina ilis
9 months ago
Stevia is in the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family. This family includes ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many other plants. In theory, people who are sensitive to ragweed and related plants may also be sensitive to stevia.
There isn't enough reliable information to know if it is safe to take stevia when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha

Why might stevia be bad for you? While it’s generally safe to consume, in some people, it may cause mild si
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Streptopelia decaocto
Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.
The Streptopelia decaocto is the bird that is said to have " wanted to conquer the world". Hence the high degree of adaptability in lowland, hilly or mountainous areas, from villages to the busiest cities. Thanks to the intelligence of adaptation and survival, the Streptopelia decaocto lives around 20 years.
Anyway, with the song " gu-gu-Pike "(an onomatopoeia called in English" koo-koo-kook"), this winged one does nothing but defend its territory and try to attract a pair!
The names in current use, over time, only par
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Some research papers conclude that stevia consumption can cause cancer due to DNA breakage and chromosome mutations. However, none of those studies are based on human subjects.
According to a study published in Oncotarget in 2018, steviol significantly limited the growth of human gastrointestinal cancer cells.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
The use of steviol glycosides as non-caloric sweeteners has proven to be beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), obesity, and metabolic syndrome. However, recent data demonstrate that steviol and stevioside might act as glucocorticoid receptor (GR) agonists and thus correlate with adverse effects on metabolism. Herein, we evaluated the impact of steviol, steviol glycosides, and a Greek-derived stevia extract on a number of key steps of GR signaling cascade in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and in Jurkat leukemia cells. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombuc
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Prostate cancer is the second most harmful disease in men worldwide and the number of cases is increasing. Therefore, new natural agents with anticancer potential should be examined and the response of existing therapeutic drugs must be enhanced. Stevia pilosa and Stevia eupatoria are two species that have been widely used in traditional medicine, but their effectiveness on cancer cells and their interaction with antineoplastic drugs have not been studied. The results indicate that SPME and SEME have an inhibitory effect on the viability and migration of prostate cancer cells and do not in
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Steviol glycosides are currently being used as natural sweeteners by the food industry and Stevia rebaudiana has long been used as a sweet plant in South America for patients suffering from diabetes. In this study, a Stevia rebaudiana ethanolic extract (SREE) was prepared, analysed and tested for antioxidant activity in terms of free radical scavenging properties and antiproliferative effects in cervix (HeLa), pancreatic (MiaPaCa-2) and colonic (HCT116) cancer cells. The antiproliferative mechanism was confirmed by testing the effects on cyclin D1-CDK4. #Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #iko
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Hydroponics offers a viable solution for obtaining plant products that are rich in micronutrients and ultramicronutrients, such as selenium. Selenium plays a crucial role in strengthening the body's immune defense and acts as a potent antioxidant. Low levels of selenium have been associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (SrB), a relatively new crop in plant cultivation, was the focus of the present study. SrB has numerous medicinal and prophylactic properties, and its leaves are rich in macro- and microelements, vitamins, and diterpen
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Stevia is unaffected by stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes and the process of digestion. It travels essentially “untouched” by the digestive process until it reaches the large intestine. There it “reacts” with the gut flora. It is then absorbed in the colon and travels to the liver. It is then bound to glucuronic acid via the glucuronidation pathway and eventually excreted through the urine. The glucuronidation pathway is a major liver pathway that detoxifies drugs, pollutants, estrogen, and steroids, etc.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Bladder cancer (BC) is a global health issue that lacks effective treatment strategies. Growing evidence suggests that various natural products possess anti-tumour effects. This study aims to identify a novel agent that can be used in the treatment of BC.
Collectively, our data suggest that stevioside can be a potential agent for the treatment of BC.
#Stevia #kombucha #ikombucha_ro #ikombucha
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
A forest does not grow on trees.
Throughout history, trees have been considered sacred and honored, due to their association with the celestial realms, being considered as gateways to other dimensions.
Trees embody the maximum "from top to bottom" . Their deeply rooted roots in the soil and leaves looking skyward are mediators between dark soil and bright sky. This represents Crann Bethadh, the" Tree of life " in Celtic mythology. Also, the roots of trees can feel the acoustic vibrations of water in the soil. They can do this even if there is no moisture in the soil. This means that t
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
More than 60 naturally occurring steviol glycosides in the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant share a similar molecular structure with an aglycone steviol backbone conjugated with β- and α-glycosidic bonds to different sugar moieties. These glycosides are naturally produced in different quantities within the stevia leaf. Certain minor glycosides with superior sensory attributes, such as Reb D and Reb M, are found less than 0.1% in traditional stevia leaves. New technologies can now produce better tasting steviol glycosides by using enzymatic conversion of stevioside and Reb A, which are abundan
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a valuable plant whose products are increasingly used in medicine, pharmacy and the food industry. This necessitates the use of biotechnological approaches for its mass propagation. Establishing optimal conditions for in vitro cultivation is essential for obtaining high biomass and secondary metabolites production. A large number of articles considering the role of plant growth regulators and other additives in the culture medium in the growth and development of Stevia are available in the literature. However, there are no summarized data about the use of nanoparti
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Our living beings, you may have left our eyes, but you have never left our hearts.
The second largest kingdom, after the animal, is represented by plants. The distinctive feature of plants is obtaining energy from sunlight, through the process called photosynthesis. Most plants have wide flat surfaces - the leaves, at the level of which this process is carried out. Just as there are many groups of animals, from simple worms to complicated mammals, so the groups of plants are also numerous and varied.
Mainly plants are divided into two broad categories – simple plants without flowers,
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Fish, these aquatic beings, with diverse shapes and colors, constitute a vital component of our ecosystem, but also an invaluable source of inspiration for culture, art and spirituality.
Whether you are an aquarist enthusiast, an avid diver or simply a nature lover, discovering the world of Fish offers you the prospect of a journey into a special universe.
It was worth diving into their world and exploring the secrets of this underwater life.
Aquarium fish are popular animals that can be found in many homes around the world. They are attractive, relaxing animals and can be easily
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madalina ilis
10 months ago
Memories that time does not erase
The sun, the moon, the wind, the stars will always be around, recalling the love they shared and the peace they finally found after leaving the torment.
We've been begging for birds
And he gave us each
One feather at a time.
One tall eagle,
A red one from the bird of paradise,
One green from hummingbirds,
One yellow one from pigeons,
Blue one from nymphs
A chatty one from the parakeets,
One singer from singing parrots,
The cowardly one from the ostrich
Oh, what wings we made!
We took them to heart
And we started flying.
High Eagle Flight,
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madalina ilis
10 months ago (E)
In memory of our beloved Titilica
Beauty is always a land of promise in which Moses does not enter.
To us you are an immortal being because you live forever in our memory, in our souls, that which resists time.In the religion of the Native American Indians, the spirit of a certain animal enters the soul of a man at the very moment of his birth. His duty is to watch over the person in whom he lives, to give him the strength and wisdom that characterize him.
Thank you for all this beloved being.
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